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What is the VCMS' Mediation Process?

Our mediation process works to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome for both parties and on agreeing to mediation both parties sign our legally binding document which outlines the process itself.

  • February 27th 2020

    How Better Processes Can Lead to Better Outcomes

    Processes are central to the functioning of many businesses across many industries. Indeed, it is almost impossible to think of a business scenario that is not based on a well-designed and well thought out processes.
  • February 27th 2020

    Companionship is Key to the Welfare of Rabbits

    Did you know that it is estimated that 2% of the UK population are rabbit owners? Equating to a population of around 900,000 pet rabbits?
  • February 27th 2020

    WSAVA Issues Guidance to Vets for the Coronavirus

    Following the spread of the Coronavirus, the WSAVA (The Global Veterinary Community) has prepared an advisory document to help members in how to discuss the matter with their clients who may be concerned as to…
  • February 6th 2020

    Veterinary Costs Need to be Better Explained Says Survey

    A recent survey, the first of its kind since 2015, commissioned by the RCVS has discovered that a significant number of pet owners think veterinary surgeons offer poor or very poor value for money, suggesting…
  • February 3rd 2020

    Australian Wildfires IVC Calls for Volunteers

    IVC Evidensia, one of Europe’s biggest veterinary care providers, last month announced that it is funding a team of its vets and VNs to fly to Australia to help with the ongoing bushfire crisis.
  • February 3rd 2020

    Obesity Action Plan Launches

    January 2020 witnesses National Obesity Awareness Week which took place between the 14th-20th January. The collaboration between the BVA, BVNA, British Veterinary Zoological Society and BEVA sought to draw attention to obesity in animals. The…
  • February 3rd 2020

    The VCMS at the SPVS-VMG Congress 2020

    Last month the VCMS participated in the SPVS-VMG Congress 2020 in Newport, Wales. Taking place on the beautiful grounds of the Celtic Manor Resort, the VCMS, led by Jennie Jones and supported by Toni Taylor…
  • January 2nd 2020

    The Power of Mediation

    Recently, the Head of VCMS, Jennie Jones, spoke with the Vet Record to discuss the power of mediation. We have adapted her interview to highlight the power of mediation to share within our own resource…
  • January 2nd 2020

    How Can Mediation Protect My Reputation as a Professional?

    Within mediation, one of the often under-discussed issues that can arise is how mediation can assist in brand and service reputation. It goes without saying that when a complaint is lodged and unresolved, it can…
  • January 2nd 2020

    Mediation is About Learning and Building Processes

    Is it possible to learn from litigation? Depending on who you ask, the answer may be yes, no or even a grey area. Litigation, defined as ‘the process of taking legal action’, seems to suggest…
  • January 2nd 2020

    As a Client, How Can you Benefit from Mediation?

    Mediation has increasingly become a popular method for resolving complaints and disputes. One of the challenges that the VCMS faces is an awareness around the service that may not be known to the wider public.…
  • December 2nd 2019

    A Dog is for Life

    Did you know that Dogs Trust receives a telephone call every six minutes from people looking to give up their dog? In today’s blog, and with Christmas fast approaching, we want to take the opportunity…
  • December 2nd 2019

    Why Does Mediation Matter?

    As we approach the end of another successful year for the Veterinary Client Mediation Service, we would like to use the opportunity in today’s blog post to highlight the importance of mediation, its benefits and…
  • November 14th 2019

    We're at the London Vet Show 2019!

    The VCMS is proud to be attending the London Vet Show 2019. Taking place on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th of November at the ExCel Centre London, the event will bring together key figures within…
  • November 12th 2019

    The Mind Matters Initiative with the RCVS

    Over the last few years the importance of mental health within both personal and private life has been increasingly covered in the media. Indeed, last month witnessed the VCMS cover World Mental Health Day, in…
  • October 10th 2019

    World Mental Health Day 2019 - The Impact of Animals on Human Health

    Increasingly, research supports the long-held view that animals are good for our human health. Our own hearts and minds benefit from our relationships with our pets.
  • October 8th 2019

    Pet Passports and Brexit

    As the ever-pressing issue of Brexit continues to shape both public, governmental and professional discourse and opinion across the country we examine how pet passports might be affected in the various outcomes as a result…
  • October 8th 2019

    NOAH Conference - 'We Are One Health'

    On Friday 4th October, World Animal Day, Jennie Jones attended ‘We are one health’ a conference organised by NOAH and held at the Royal College of Physicians at Regents Park.
  • October 3rd 2019

    Vets and Brexit

    With Brexit dominating the headlines and discussions across the UK over the last two and a half years, it is important for veterinary professionals to be prepared ahead of whatever deal and date the UK…
  • October 3rd 2019

    RCVS Announces Plan to Review ‘Under Care’

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has recently announced new plans for a wide-ranging review to its guidance to veterinary professions on ‘under care’ and out-of-hours emergency cover.