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What is the VCMS' Mediation Process?

Our mediation process works to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome for both parties and on agreeing to mediation both parties sign our legally binding document which outlines the process itself.

  • June 4th 2021

    Face Coverings and Visiting Your Vet

    As the United Kingdom begins to move out of lockdown and businesses once again welcome people through their doors, we examine what our new normal is. COVID-secure measures have meant lots of changes in veterinary…
  • June 4th 2021

    Building the Client Relationship of the Future

    Managing relationships with clients can, at times, be difficult. When a complaint arises, it may be difficult to see the wood through the trees and become overwhelming when dealing with the situation. Given the additional…
  • April 14th 2021

    Industry Insight and Lessons Learned

    It’s crucial to understand that COVID-19 restrictions continued to exacerbate complaint situations in the early stages of 2021. However, restrictions themselves were rarely the cause of the complaint.
  • April 14th 2021

    A New Training and Consultancy Service

    In addition to delivering complaint mediation in both human healthcare and veterinary practice, Nockolds Resolution continues to re-invest the insight from complaint mediation in accessible and practical professional training.
  • April 1st 2021

    From a Complaint to the Improvement of Communication

    As the government announces its path out of lockdown, it is important to understand what to expect when visiting your vets. More so than a straight change back to how things were, it is expected…
  • April 1st 2021

    Moving Out of Lockdown: What to Expect When Visiting Your Vet

    As the government announces its path out of lockdown, it is important to understand what to expect when visiting your vets. More so than a straight change back to how things were, it is expected…
  • April 1st 2021

    Mind Matters Initiative: New Campfire Chats

    In today’s blog post we cover the latest campaign from the Mind Matters Initiative (MMI) which is launching its new ‘campfire chats’ on issues affecting the veterinary profession.
  • March 1st 2021

    How Can I Trust a Consultation If I Cannot Attend?

    At the VCMS we have recently been receiving reports from both practices and owners as to an increase in worry around consultations where the owner cannot be present.
  • March 1st 2021

    Euthanasia Without Being Present – How Can I Find Closure?

    At the VCMS we have recently been receiving reports from both practices and owners as to an increase in worry around consultations where the owner cannot be present.
  • February 4th 2021

    Dispute. Mediation. Resolution. Unlocking Complaints to Find a Solution

    At the heart of the VCMS’ service is our commitment to members of the public and the profession to find a solution that is beneficial to both parties. Our independent service remains impartial and understanding…
  • February 4th 2021

    Visiting Your Vet During COVID-19: What to Expect

    The coronavirus pandemic continues to bring changes to our lives both personally and professionally. Whilst the disruption felt at the start of the pandemic may not be as stark, it goes without saying that both…
  • January 1st 2021

    Viewing Complaints as a Positive Not a Negative

    The new year is here and with it the chance for change. New Year’s resolutions are a tradition that many across the world seek to implement at this time of year and make positive changes…
  • January 1st 2021

    Pet-Positive New Year’s Resolutions

    2021 is here and with it the chance to implement new positive behaviours. Indeed, new year’s resolutions are said to date back over 4,000 years to ancient Babylon, where the Babylonians are thought to be…
  • December 23rd 2020

    From Jennie Jones, VCMS

    For many this year, Christmas will be a time (whether we like it or not) for a well-earned rest after a tumultuous period in all our lives.
  • December 21st 2020

    Guidance on Pet Travel to Europe After Brexit

    On 1 January 2021 the rules that affect the transport of cats, dogs and ferrets between Britain, the EU and Northern Ireland will change. In today’s blog, we will focus on these changes and what…
  • December 16th 2020

    Firework Safety and Your Pets

    On 1 January 2021 the rules that affect the transport of cats, dogs and ferrets between Britain, the EU and Northern Ireland will change. In today’s blog, we will focus on these changes and what…
  • November 30th 2020

    Vets and Wellbeing: Avoiding Burnout

    According to a recent survey by the British Veterinary Association (BVA), three-quarters of vets are concerned about the profession’s levels of stress and burnout as a direct result of COVID-19.
  • November 30th 2020

    Coronavirus Resources for Vets

    The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has led to a drastic reshuffling of our lives. From day-to-day interactions to work, many of us are directly affected by our current situation. With guidelines regularly updated by the BVA…
  • November 16th 2020

    In the News: CAM Conversation with Staci Baldwin About Communication Skills Before, During and After a Veterinary Consultation

    Staci Baldwin, Resolution Manager at the Veterinary Client Mediation Service (VCMS), chats to Canine Arthritis Management about the importance of communication when consulting with your vet.
  • October 21st 2020

    RCVS Updates and Extends Temporary Remote Prescribing Guidance

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) recently wrote to all veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses about extending its temporary guidance that allows veterinary surgeons to prescribe prescription-only veterinary medicines (POM-Vs) remotely until the end…