October 2nd 2023

A Pet Safe Halloween

Halloween is nearly here with its spooky fun, creative costumes, and delicious treats. While humans eagerly anticipate the festivities, our pets might not be as enthused. Between the continuous doorbell rings, unusual attire, and potential toxic sweets, Halloween can be more trick than treat for pets. Here are some handy tips to ensure your home remains a safe haven for your beloved companions during Halloween.

Keep Sweets Out of Reach

Chocolate, especially dark or baking chocolate, can be particularly harmful to pets, leading to vomiting, diarrhoea, rapid breathing, and even heart seizures. Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in some candies, can be life-threatening for dogs and must be kept away from them at all costs. Always have a designated spot for Halloween treats that’s inaccessible to pets.

Watch Out for Halloween Decorations

Pets, especially cats, might be enticed by the flickering candles in pumpkins. Opt for flameless candles or LED lights to prevent any burnt whiskers or accidental fires. Ensure wires and cords from decorative lights are out of reach. Chewing on them can lead to a potentially lethal electric shock

Create a Quiet Sanctuary

The constant ringing of doorbells and the presence of strangers can be unsettling for pets. Set up a quiet room or space for your pets away from the front door. This can help alleviate stress and prevent them from darting outside. Play soothing music or turn on the TV to mask the noise from outside.

ID Tags and Microchips

Ensure your pet has a collar with an up-to-date ID tag. Halloween is one of the top days for pets to go missing, so if your pet does sneak out, a collar and a microchip can increase the chances of a happy reunion.

Beware of Harmful Plants

While pumpkins and corn are relatively non-toxic, they can induce gastrointestinal discomfort in pets if ingested in large amounts. Keep decorative plants out of their reach.

Limit Exposure to Costumed Guests

Not all pets are comfortable with unfamiliar people, especially those in costumes. A mask or outfit can make even familiar friends appear threatening to pets. If you’re hosting a party or expecting many visitors, consider keeping your pets in a separate room. Notify guests beforehand if you have pets and provide guidelines, like not feeding them any treats or snacks.

Halloween is a time of fun and frolic, but it’s essential to prioritise the safety and well-being of our pets during the festivities. A little preparation and vigilance can ensure that the holiday is enjoyable for both humans and their furry family members.





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